What? All this and talk of peace?
The Christmas season once again descends upon us and it looks like those who engaged in the Blog Everyday contest will soon be relieved of their burden. I did not engage in this merely because I knew the quality of my writing would suffer if I had to blog everyday. I've tried it in the past. I can do it if I have something to talk about, but I cannot do it if there is nothing I want to write about. (Perhaps I should engage in Cynthia Bagley's writing exercises as she is right that blogging has rekindled my interest in writing. Now if something could be done to restore my desire to code.)
But I got an e-mail from someone who shall remain anonymous (and I have not answered his other question, but while someone related to me does post here from time to time, I am not related to anyone in Outer Blogness.) hoping that I'd find peace with myself. A number of Outer Blogness posts in November seemed to deal with the same subject.
If we seek peace, are we not missing the point of our spiritual pursuits or our quests for personal growth? Call it what you will, but I thought the point was to make yourself a better person. People often go on about the benefits of how their religion brings them peace or joy (the peace part seems absent in Mormonism, and if the use of anti-depressants is as high as to be believed, most of the "joy" comes from prescription medication.)
It seems to me that peace should be a side effect of the journey, not the goal in and of itself, as whatever path the journey takes you on, you will struggle along it and you'll not always be at the inner peace that the others think they are trying to achieve.
It is a struggle, but cannot it not be said that the struggle is more important than the brief moments of rest you find along the way?