Ex-Mormon Glee over the Mitt Romeny Campaign
As much as I’d hate to address what is purely a political issue, the candidacy of Mitt Romney forces me to do so. I’ve seen too many people particularly Ex-Mormons think that somehow this will magically expose the church for what they think it is and its membership will dwindle simply because the religion is shown to be as weird and corrupt as they already think it is.
I have a warning to give to these people: Get Real. Information about Mormon theology, doctrine, and its interference in politics is already freely available. The membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints may be shrinking, but it’s by no means a mass exodus. What’s worse is that people continue to think that somehow rational thought will debunk Mormonism and all other religions eventually..
Such a belief shows a fundamental lack of understanding about human behavior. Religion is the one thing that all cultures have in common and it is not about common sense or being rational. It is about meaning. Ideally it should be about the improvement of the world and helping individuals to become better people. The problem comes when people try to control it for their own personal agendas or to further their own hatreds.
I’ll admit I have reservations about Romney’s candidacy. I favor Rudy Guliani to win the Republican nomination. I do not know if Mr. Romney will follow the brethren blindly but there have been no assurances from him that he’s not. That's all it took enough of the public to vote for John F. Kennedy.
I hate to sound like I’m prejudiced, but the reason I won’t vote for Mitt is because he is Mormon. Unlike many conservative Christians, it won’t be because I don’t think he believes in Christ, but because I have a deep mistrust when it comes to political matters and the Salt Lake organization.
To Mitt: Good Luck. You’ll need it. Why not start by assuring people that you’re not under the thumb of the prophet? I’d still prefer a candidate that’ll tell a Saudi Arabian prince to “take your check and stick it up you’re a--" to you, but I don't know how many other people have this silly preference.