Saturday, October 01, 2005

Someone stole my alias.

I wish to depart from the topic I've been discussing and instead address what is to me, a very serious issue. Someone else is using my name. I've found a band calling themselves Sinister Porpoise, and someone using my alias on a Microsoft chat room.

If it'd do any good I'd claim I'm the original and sue them for trademark violations. Two problems immediately occur with this action.The first is I don't have the name trademarked, and second, it's a clever and common enough pun that I doubt I'm the first to think of it.

Still, it annoys me greatly. The few places I post, I never have a problem acquiring the call sign "The Sinister Porpoise" for myself, nor do I have any problem using it if I need another e-mail address for some reason. (Although Yahoo works well enough for me, thank you.)

The urge to violence wells up within me and the only thing that prevents me from at least sending a very nasty e-mail to them is the fact that they might be bigger and better at backing up their threats than I am.

So, I'd just like to say I am the original Sinister Porpoise. All others are shallow imitators trying to cash in on my anonymous glory.


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